This is Battlefield 2142 in collaboration with BF2142 Reclamation. Brought back from dead and reworked.
What is this?
This is Battlefield 2142 brought back by BF2142 Reclamation. I just wanted to make everything easier for people to enjoy this masterpiece.
Since the GameSpy server infrastructure was shut down in June 2014, we have been working on alternatives to continually achieve this goal. For legal record, we are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by GameSpy, Digital Illusions CE (DICE), or Electronic Arts (EA)
How can I play?
I have gathered all the necessary files for you and made an easy tutorial. All the files are tested on Windows 10 so all of them should work fine.
Is all this safe?
I have checked and hosted all the files myself. I have tried to add as many VirusTotal scans as I can and original source from where you can also download it from. Only base game itself doesn't have source, because I can't remember it.

BF2142 Install
When you download from here then you will get .rar file. Extract it and run setup.exe. It will ask you for a serial code. You will find some down below. After installation it will ask you install GameSpy. Check "No, isntall GameSpy Comrade later." When its completed, proceed to step 2
First you'll need to download and install Battlefield 2142. You'll get it either from here or 2nd hand copy of one of the Retail DVD editions
​Install the BF2142 Hub
Next you need to install BF2142 Hub. This lets you play on BF2142 Reclamation servers. Installation is pretty straight forward.
I have hosted BF2142 Hub file and you can find the link down below.
If you prefer official source, then here is Moddb link for you
Here is VirusTotal results

Update the game to v1.51
After installing BF2142 Hub you'll need to update the game files
to v1.51 . Best way to do it is to use updater down below. This is a full updater, which means it will take any prior version of Battlefield 2142 (that's currently installed on your system) and completely update it to v1.51 (i.e. the final version of the game)
I have hosted BF2142 Update 1.51 Full file and you can find the link down below.
If you prefer official source, then here is Moddb link for you
Install the MapPack
After updating the game you need to download and install the MapPack from the BF2142 Hub or from a download link down below.
Using Hub, locate the download button. After that, on the right you'll see
BF2142 MapPack v1.0. Double click it and it will open MediaFire.
Once the MapPack is downloaded, head back to the Hub. In the downloads section, you should see MapPack Installer button. After clicking it, will ask to re-launch the app as admin. Click Yes. After re-launch, click on the MapPack installer and locate the MapPack .zip file.
BF2142 MapPack v1.0 is not hosted by me but I have provided the link and you can find it down below.
Both the Hub link and mine are the same
Apply the OpenSpy patch
Apply the OpenSpy patch via the Help tab in the Hub.
After patching, all of those: Patch 1.51, BF2142.exe, RendDX9.dll, RendDX9_ori.dll should have green check mark on them
If after applying OpenSpy patch there is still some errors then you should first try the Hub diagnostics. Other method is to use floowsnaake's Reclamation Crash Fix. Link is provided down below
Few more things
Adjust video settings (fullscreen / turn on widescreen) via the Home tab in the Hub. Then launch the game by selecting the server and pressing the play button on the left hand side.
Create an account and soldier by clicking the CREATE NEW ACCOUNT button found on the login screen of the game. And that's it, you are done andready to play
Please read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS carefully, most notably how your password is stored remotely in plain text. After accepting, fill out the account creation form and then click on CREATE. Please note that much of this information is irrelevant, and therefore false information may be used. The only items of importance are the ACCOUNT NAME and PASSWORD, which you should write down since OpenSpy account name/password retrieval is non-functional. If you receive any type of error after clicking CREATE, please consider if the desired ACCOUNT NAME, PASSWORD, or EMAIL ADDRESS may have been previous used before and then try different entries for those fields.